Get Satellite TV for Free With PC Satellite TV Software

Anyone can get satellite TV for free nowadays using paid PC satellite TV software that turns our PCs into ready satellite TV sets. But with so much information out there, it can be rather confusing and tedious to digest everything. This article provides a simple-to-understand summary about steps on how you can play free satellite TV on PC. There are a couple of things you might want to know more in using paid satellite TV software to get satellite TV for free.

Firstly, you need to make sure your computer is ready to receive TV signals to get satellite TV for free. Check your computer against the following PC system requirements.

1. Minimum Pentium III Processor 733MHz

For optimal performance, be sure that your CPU processor is at least a 733MHz Pentium III. This allows you to watch streaming video live from certain satellite TV stations.

2. Internet Connection – 512 Kbps Broadband or DSL Connection Preferred

Even though the satellite TV software specifies you can still get satellite TV for free using dial-up, it is ideal that you use a 512kbps broadband or DSL connection for smooth TV signal transmission.

3. Graphics Card – 64MB RAM and Above

Having a good graphics card of at least 64MB and beyond would enhance your TV viewing experience.

4. Sound Card

Satellite TV on PC software has little requirement for a sound card. But if you are going to watch satellite TV on PC, it is better that you get a decent sound card from the established companies like Creative Labs, HP, Apple, M-Audio etc.

Where to download PC satellite TV software to get satellite TV for free?

1. Satellite TV on PC software is available through authorized online retailers. You will find a resource link at the end of this article that leads you to the download area.

2. The software download site accepts Paypal or credit card payment. Payment processing is easy and fast and can be completed in minutes.

3. Upon payment completion, a download link would be sent to you and you can then access the membership area to download the PC satellite TV software.

After you have downloaded the software, you can then get started to get satellite TV for free. There are practically thousands of TV channels in multiple languages from international satellite stations.

This is the summary of how PC satellite TV software works on your computer to get satellite TV for free. You can download the proprietary software through my TV blog and turn your PC today into a powerful satellite TV.

by Davion Wong

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and fan of TV shows. Discover how you can instantly watch satellite TV on PC, tuning into hundreds of LIVE world channels of news, movies, music and kids program at

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